Maybe you shouldn’t Tik Tok?
In a world full of neutrals… you need to stand out. How many times have we heard this, or a version of this (maybe they called you a ‘me two’)??
Be on social media, make videos, send out client EDMs, get billboards and magazines… be ruthless in doing whatever is trending at the time.
But… why??
I’m about to say something that might be controversial in my field. Hell, some of my colleagues who create socials for a living will not like me for this (sorry, Zoe), but I feel like it needs to be said. So, here goes…
Not every brand needs to be on every social platform.
There I said it. I’m waiting for the sirens to start approaching my house…
Hear me out, though. Why waste your valuable time, money, energy and resources on creating for social platforms that simply aren’t going to cut it for you, just because everyone else is doing it? Sure, that seminar you went to once may have said that Facebook’s ROI is the highest, but if your shopper or gatekeeper isn’t on Facebook, will it be a good platform for you? Don't even get me started on creating Tik Toks for your retiree audience...
Doing what’s relevant well will always trump doing the popular things for no good reason or, worse, doing everything because you think you should.
Do what will work. Start small, feel free to try lots of things, but don’t be discouraged and continue haphazardly because you feel you “need” to. Pivot without a care in the world. Do what’s best for YOU and YOUR business, do what is relevant to your consumer? Do what you can do well, and do what will drive value to your audience.